How can RCA staff join the Library?


RCA staff are very welcome to join the Library!

Staff accounts need to be activated by request.  If you're experiencing a problem logging in, or this is the first attempt and your log in is not working, this may be why.

To request an account please come to the library desk or contact providing your department and the name of your line manager.

We will be in touch swiftly to confirm any other details and that the account is activated.

Once activated, library membership gives access to reservation options, e-books, and physical materials - up to 20 items can be borrowed at any one time – this includes books and films on DVD.

You will use your RCA Username and Password, exactly the same as for Moodle, the Intranet and for email to login to Library resources and your Library account.

  • Last Updated Jan 18, 2024
  • Views 114
  • Answered By Library

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